Stevenson Weather Data

The Stevenson screen is an enclosure for meteorological equipment invented by Thomas Stevenson. Over the years they have been modified to improve the reliability of the measurements taken within. There have been several different Stevenson screens at the site over the years. At one time there were even two, one of which housed a hydro-thermograph. As time goes on of course systems break down are too expensive to replace. This what happened to the Thermograph and the Stevenson screens since they were wooden designs fell to the elements and rotted away. You can now buy plastic ones which won't rot of course but will still eventually fall victim to the sun. Also more more modern ones have black interiors which we are told don't effect the readings.

You will find the weather averages recorded by the Stephenson screen in the tables below. The data was collected from 1955 onwards.Stevenson Screen

At the bottom of the page you find links to the averages since 1955 and 1981 - 2010 daily average temperatures.

This includes Humidity Maximum and Minimum temperatures. The humidity is recorded via a wet and dry bulb. Soil temperatures measured at one foot.

The Davis weather station also runs from midnight to midnight so this will show slight differences from the data measured from the Stevenson screen. Also note that digital respond quicker to temperatures changes so it's possible the Stevenson data may miss some peaks and troughs

A new set of Maximum, Minimum,Dry and Wet bulbs have been bought over the last couple of years. This means the Davis Maximum isn’t been used any longer. However the values tend to match the values recorded in the Stephenson screen. This allowed me to reconstruct some of the data that was missing from the 2004 data sets due to illness.I will be slowly adding further data sets although this a time consuming business.

Stevenson Screen Data and the Monthly Summaries from the Year 2000 onwards

Stevenson Screen Data 2000 Onwards
Year Year Year
1994 2006 2018
1995 2007 2019
1996 2008 2020
1997 2009 2021
1998 2010 2022
1999 2011 2023
2000 2012 2024
2001 2013 2025
2002 2014 2026
2003 2015 2027
2004 2016 2028
2005 2017 2029

Stevenson Screen Data and the Monthly Averages from the Year 2000 Onwards

Stevenson Screen Monthly Averages 2000 Onwards
Year Year Year
1994 2006 2018
1995 2007 2019
1996 2008 2020
1997 2009 2021
1998 2010 2022
1999 2011 2023
2000 2012 2024
2001 2013 2025
2002 2014 2026
2003 2015 2027
2004 2016 2028
2005 2017 2029

Weather Averages including Hottest, Coolest, Wettest and Driest Months 1955 Onwards

Stevenson Screen Monthly Averages 2000 Onwards
Rainfall Temperature Average daily Temperatures Winds speed and Gust
Rainfall Maximum Temperature Daily Average High 1981 - 2010 Wind Speed
Minimum Temperature Daily Average Low Gust
Average Temperature Daily Average