Sheffield and Rotherham Weather Forecast for the next Five days. Updated at 09/02/25 at 16:45hrs. Valid from 18:00hrs Sunday to 03:00hrs Saturday.

Sheffield and Rotherham Local Area Forecast.

General Synopsis at 12:00hrs for the UK for the next five days: Monday: High pressure remains to the NE with low pressure over France. Light rain wintry on the higher ground through the day across England. Sunny Spells and dry N Ireland and W Scotland. Cloudy elsewhere. Cold to rather cold. Windy round the coasts and breezy inland. Tuesday: Low pressure near E Anglia. Light rain with Snow over the peaks in the E and NE of the country slowly easing during the day. Dry Elsewhere but cloudy. Rather cold to average temperatures. Windy NE and N coasts. Wednesday: Low pressure to the E and Low pressure to SW of the UK with high pressure to the N. Light rain NE England and Ireland and Wales. Generally cloudy. Light to gentle winds. Rather cold to average. Thursday: A weak ridge of high pressure over the country while a Low pressure pushes fronts towards Ireland during the day. Cloudy generally and dry away from Ireland which will see rain spreading E. Windy in the W. Cold to rather cold away from the SW which will be average. Friday: Pressure much the same as Thursday. Rain over Ireland and Wales and SW England with some hill sleet. Dry in the E. Cloudy and on the rather cold to average side away from the far SW which will be mild.

Local Summary for the next five days: The models have decided to remain on a rather cold to average pattern but still undecided on how it will develop or not later on. The next five days see further showers or rain at times. Cold enough for some Snow over the peaks at times. Remaining cloudy for the next five days. Temperatures mostly on the rather cold to average side. Winds light breezes to gentle breezes except Sunday evening and night which the wind maybe moderate for at times.

Pollution levels Low. Pollen Count: Out of Season.

Sunday evening and night: Barometer at 18:00hrs 1034mb rising slowly. Temperatures 4C. Winds a gentle to moderate NNE breeze. The evening and night cloudy with some rain at times perhaps hill sleet later. Overnight low 2C to 3C. So average to rather mild. Winds a gentle to moderate ENE breeze.

Monday: A cloudy beginning to new week with light rain and some hill sleet. Winds a gentle possibly moderate ENE breeze. Temperatures 3C to 4C. A day of light rain and some hill sleet and wet snow possible. Temperatures 3C to 4C. So cold to rather cold. Winds a gentle ENE breeze. Barometer at 18:00hrs 1024mb falling slowly. The evening and night sees further light rain with sleet and wet snow over higher ground. Winds a gentle NE breeze. Overnight low 2C to 3C. So average to rather mild.

Tuesday: Light rain to start the day with sleet and wet snow over hills. Temperatures 2C to 3C. Winds a gentle NE breeze. Light rain through the day with sleet and wet snow for the peaks. Winds a light NNE breeze. Temperatures 2C to 3C so cold. Barometer at 18:00hrs 1016mb steady. The evening sees any light rain and wet hill Snow dying away then a dry night but cloudy. Winds a light NNW breeze. Overnight low 2C so average.

Wednesday: A dry cloudy chilly start to midweek. Temperatures 3C. Winds a light NNE breeze. A dry cloudy day. Winds a light ENE breeze. Temperatures 5C to 6C. So rather cold to average. Barometer at 18:00hrs 1020mb steady. The evening and night dry and cloudy. Overnight low 1C to 2C so average. Winds a light ENE breeze.

Thursday: A dry cloudy beginning to the day. Temperatures 2C to 3C. Winds a light ENE breeze. A dry cloudy day. Temperatures 4C to 5C. So rather cold. Winds a light E breeze. Barometer at 18:00hrs 1022mb rising slowly. The evening and night dry and cloudy. Winds a light E breeze. Temperatures 0C to 1C so average with a widespread ground frost and patchy air frost.

Friday: A cloudy dry start. Temperatures 1C to 2C. Winds a light E breeze. A cloudy dry day. Temperatures 5C to 6C. So rather cold to average. Winds a gentle ESE breeze. Barometer at 18:00hrs 1024mb steady. The evening and night dry and cloudy. Overnight low 0C to 2C. So average with a widespread ground frost and patchy air frost. Winds a light ESE breeze.